
Sunday, August 3, 2014

How You Can Use Your Fruit Infused Water Bottle

healthy drinking tips for you
There are different ways to quench your thirst on a hot, sunny day or just any day you feel like you need to refresh yourself. You can go on with your favorite soda or with a glass or two of water. However, if you want to make the most of the refreshment and enjoy the experience every time, then you might want to use a fruit infused water bottle.

This type of water bottle is unlike the ordinary water bottle as it lets you drink in style. Being one of the most popular household innovations these days, the bottle is designed for you to infuse flavorings on your water creating a twist to your regular drink. You can have a naturally-flavored water with citrusy, tropical or Cuban tastes.

By infusing a natural flavor, you avoid a high sugar intake which you usually get when you infuse the processed flavoring. These processed flavorings have chemicals and food coloring that will only do you more harm than good. To stay hydrated and healthy, stick to drinking sufficient amount of water with just the right, natural flavor.

Check out to know more information about this kitchen innovation.

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